In Existential/ Numerology

2025: Living The Paradox

Can you hold the paradox of calm and chaos simultaneously? The old version of you is expiring this year in lieu of making space for exponential expansion. Is it wise to make plans when so many things are coming to an end? The old world is dying, but a new one is surely emerging from underneath the rubble of turmoil. Whatever spiritual maturity you have acquired, it will be put to test in 2025.

A Year of Cosmic Significance

2025 is a 9 year in numerology, and it’s one of the most significant years in the history of mankind. Even the pope has declared it as a Jubilee year and opened a mysterious portal in the Vatican with a holy key, calling it the year of remission of sins and universal pardon. 🤯 Apparently, a Jubilee year takes place once every 25 years in Catholic dogma. Interestingly, I happened to be in Italy when all this occurred and ended up doing some more research on this enigmatic event, which I will share later on my Patreon channel.

This in-depth exploration of 2025 (full article available on my Patreon) delves into the numerological significance of the 9 year and unpacks the esoteric teachings of the Hermit card from Tarot, illuminating how these energies shape the year ahead.

Numerology Meaning of 9 Year..

Full Report on Patreon.

Need Help Grounding in Uncertain Times?

As we navigate through the incredible collective and personal transformations in 2025, I am feeling a strong call to be of service and return to my work as Medicine Owl, offering guidance along the journey back home. After living in five countries and having gone through many  drastic life changes, I am in a place to able to guide others who are experiencing uncertainty and change. I’ve opened up some 1-on-1 Soul Guidance Session spots for this year, and am excited to assist by looking at your yearly energy blueprint and offering heart-centered guidance on what to focus on this year, and how best to fare in these chaotic times. You can book a session HERE. Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions before booking.

In Light Speed, Aleeiah

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