In Existential/ Owl Messages

Message for Winter Solstice

“The forest responds equal to your call”

(Niin metsä vastaa kuin sinne huudetaan)

old Finnish proverb.

As a child, I would often wander deep into the woods by myself, especially after it had snowed. Everything would be cloaked in pure stillness, bathed in brilliant white light. I had a habit of getting lost, and I vividly remember many times when I ventured so far into the forest that I lost all sense of time and place. I didn’t even remember who I was.

My grandmother later explained that this happened because I had crossed ley lines—places where the earth’s energy converges to create a kind of magnetic vortex. Because we are electromagnetic beings, she said, the vortex interferes with our magnetic field, causing a loss of time, space, and memory. In an old Finnish dialect, she called this experience “to be hidden by the forest.” To her, it was as if the forest cast a magical spell, drawing you in and making you disappear.

It became a game to find these vortex spots—terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. Inside the forest’s spell, I had no fear, no worries, no self. It felt as though I was the pure white snow, the sky, or the forest itself. I was everything and nothing.

The first few times it happened, I realized I had a choice: to let the nothingness take over or to resist and panic. I quickly learned that the path of no resistance was easier. I remember one time dropping to my knees in the deep snow and praying for the way home after being heavily “vortexed.” It was close to dusk, and night falls quickly in the far north. A sense of desperation began to creep in. The only thing I could do was trust—connect with the light deep within me that guides. I somehow understood that half-hearted trust wouldn’t suffice. I would have to completely surrender my will to a higher will, to the light within.

I don’t recall how I found my way home, but I always did.

This winter solstice, I wanna remind you to TRUST more. Trust the LIGHT within you that has brought you here. Trust that this light will take you back HOME. When you trust, the Divine responds, and opens new pathways of unimaginable beauty and guidance before you.

Photo of stars in Finland, by Tiina Tormanen.

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