In Existential/ Numerology

2025: Living The Paradox

Can you hold the paradox of calm and chaos simultaneously? The old version of you is expiring this year in lieu of making space for exponential expansion. Is it wise to make plans when so many things are coming to an end? The old world is dying, but a new one is surely emerging from underneath the rubble of turmoil. Whatever spiritual maturity you have acquired, it will be put to test in 2025.

A Year of Cosmic Significance

2025 is a 9 year in numerology, and it’s one of the most significant years in the history of mankind. Even the pope has declared it as a Jubilee year and opened a mysterious portal in the Vatican with a holy key, calling it the year of remission of sins and universal pardon. 🤯 Apparently, a Jubilee year takes place once every 25 years in Catholic dogma. Interestingly, I happened to be in Italy when all this occurred and ended up doing some more research on this enigmatic event, which I will share later on my Patreon channel.

This in-depth exploration of 2025 (full article available on my Patreon) delves into the numerological significance of the 9 year and unpacks the esoteric teachings of the Hermit card from Tarot, illuminating how these energies shape the year ahead.

Numerology Meaning of 9 Year..

Full Report on Patreon.

Need Help Grounding in Uncertain Times?

As we navigate through the incredible collective and personal transformations in 2025, I am feeling a strong call to be of service and return to my work as Medicine Owl, offering guidance along the journey back home. After living in five countries and having gone through many  drastic life changes, I am in a place to able to guide others who are experiencing uncertainty and change. I’ve opened up some 1-on-1 Soul Guidance Session spots for this year, and am excited to assist by looking at your yearly energy blueprint and offering heart-centered guidance on what to focus on this year, and how best to fare in these chaotic times. You can book a session HERE. Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions before booking.

In Light Speed, Aleeiah

In Existential/ Advaita Vedanta

Lessons from a Hurricane

Lessons from a hurricane

My Hurricane Survival Story 🌀

Two months ago, one of the deadliest hurricanes in U.S. history ravaged the mountains of Western North Carolina, with its epicenter in the town I have called home for the past decade. In a single day, my life and familiar reality—along with those of thousands of others—were washed away.

I woke up in my rental apartment in a rural area just outside of Asheville, NC, on September 26th, as hurricane Helene reached its peak. My apartment perched on stilts next to a creek, was suddenly inside a raging river. The water rose rapidly, climbing to nearly ten feet and reaching my window. I was alone, trapped inside the apartment, unable to escape as stormy waters surrounded me on all sides of the house. Within minutes, I watched the river rise from the ground to my door, then to my window.

Hurricane in NC

Pictures from my window and door as the water was still rising..


Trapped inside the apartment, I watched everything under the sky float by – from trees, fence posts, animals, car tires, furniture, and more. A giant fence post floating in the river hit the house and knocked down the HVAC unit just outside my bedroom. I had no way of knowing if the house would withstand the storm or float down the river, as so many others did. It was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, and I was completely helpless at the moment, unable to swim my way through or escape. With nobody around I called 911 just before cell phone networks were lost. Panic stricken hours went by as I prayed and cried. My whole life flashed before my eyes. I did not wanna die this way. Not drowning in a muddy, polluted river by myself. I frantically searched for anything I could float on, knowing I was minutes away from being submerged. Nobody was able to get anywhere close to the property as everything was inside a river – bridges had fallen, trees and power lines were coming down every few minutes. Needless to say, no rescue operation ever took place. I went through the experience alone and without being able to reach the outside world, as power and cell phone networks went down for a week.

Area where I used to work

In my years of living around the world, and having gone through all kinds of crazy situations, I have never experienced this level of destruction and terror. It was a close call. By some miracle, the water stopped rising when the rain finally eased. Power, water, and cell phone signals were lost for a week or more. Roads were destroyed and washed away. Fallen trees and power lines blocked access everywhere, and many of us had no clean drinking water, or food left after a few days. I was able to get some food and bottled water from a kind neighbor who had extra supplies, in order to survive that week. Gas stations were shut down along with grocery stores, as entire cities were out of power.

An utter state of chaos, despair, and panic lasted for weeks. After nearly two months, the city was finally able to restore potable water. For a week we had no way reaching the outside world, family or friends, as all cell phone networks in the area were down and nobody had power. The worst part of the experience was not being able to reach my family in Finland, to let them know I had survived, or friends here in NC to see that they were alright. The storm left behind unimaginable destruction in its wake. Not having access to potable water for two months, and being exposed to contaminants that got into the rivers everywhere, left behind a wake of toxic mud and a wide spread health crisis in the area. Those of us that had to wade through heavily flooded areas, and do mud cleanup after, got exposed to hazardous chemical spills, which we only learned about afterwards, when communication was restored.

My yard turned into a muddy battle zone for weeks, as everything washed away. I build a bridge to get back in.


The aftermath of a major disaster can last for months, and sometimes even, years. I know from my own experience that the psychological repair alone will take time. In the weeks directly following the hurricane I struggled with high anxiety levels, PTSD, survival guilt, confusion, and depression, all of which are natural responses following a major trauma. I am grateful to be alive to share this story with you, although traumatized and heartbroken by all the tragic loss and destruction around. It took me two months to finally be able to share my story with you. 😓 The life and career I had spent a decade building was washed away in a day. I’ve gone through many gradual losses and rebirths in this life, but losing everything in such a shocking way, overnight was not something that I could have ever imagined. Here I am, back on the same path I walked nearly fifteen years ago (2010), when I first launched my website in Mexico—a wandering dervish in need of deep rest.

The Lesson

If there’s any spiritual gold I’ve gleaned from this experience, it is that ultimately, we have no control over what happens. The Source is in control. My ego may think I have control, but experience shows me otherwise. After two near death experiences, and surviving a category four hurricane in the mountains, I know deep down in my bones, that God/Source/Brahman, whatever name you wanna give this great mystery, is ultimately in control.

Suffering is the great catalyst for awakening. As the lotus rises from the mud, so does the human realization. I believe all major events in our lives are planned before we enter this life, as map points to help us evolve. I know that no matter how gruel the storm, it is always a wake up call of some sort – an opportunity to begin again, with less baggage. Eventually, life peels away anything that we are not, until only truth remains.

When we realize that Source is ultimately in control, we stop fighting against the turbulent tides and begin to align more with divine flow. The storms of the world don’t disappear, but our inner response changes. In the classical teachings of Advaita Vedanta, thousands of years old Hindu philosophy, it is taught that God, or Brahman alone is the doer. The world is chaos and turbulence, but why fret when you know that ultimately God is in control? Beyond this realm of suffering, beyond the ego’s identification with control and doership, lies the infinitely still waters of our true nature.

p.s I’ve started a Patreon page to continue my work as Medicine Owl, while I navigate relocation and rebuilding my life after this complete reset. Please join me for a deep dive on mind, matter, spirit, and expanding consciousness. If you prefer not to subscribe for paid content on Patreon and just wanna make a one time donation, you can do so on this page. Any support is most gratefully received and helps me continue writing and sharing what I learn with others.

I am also going back to doing 1:1 online readings to help support others navigating the rapidly shifting tides on this planet. If you are going through any kind of transformation, uncertainty, big or small change, I would be delighted to assist you, by hopefully shedding some light along the journey. 🙏🏼

Much Love, Aleeiah

In Existential/ Owl Messages

New Earth and the 5D Split

Timelines are splitting. Soon, there will not only be two moons but two Earths. I’ve been sensing this division strongly, especially over the past week. Something unprecedented is undeniably underway. This concept has been referred to as the 3D/5D split, and while it might sound new age to some, it has been prophesied for ages. Many indigenous traditions, including the Hopi, spoke of these times. The Hopi foretold the emergence of the “5th World,” what we now call the New Earth. According to their teachings, all the signs of the end times for the 4th World have already come to pass, and we are now in its final days.

Dolores Cannon also explored this concept decades ago in her books and interviews. During her regressions in the 1980s and 1990s, hundreds of people consistently shared the same insight: Earth was destined to split into two versions. What will happen to family and friends who are aligned with different timelines? How will the split manifest in everyday life? And what about our physical bodies? Do we keep them in 5D, or will we even want to?

Read the full article on Patreon, where I delve much deeper this topic.

Please join me on Patreon for exclusive content! I have been running the Medicine Owl website as a free service since 2010, but now need your support to keep this project going, as I navigate my own timeline shift.

Artwork by 5th World/Aleeiah

In Existential

Attach to Nothing, Enjoy Everything


Empires rise and fall. Tides shift overnight. Everything is subject to the eternal flux. Clinging to specific outcomes creates suffering because nothing ever stays the same. I’ve started over from scratch so many times that I’ve lost count. Most recently, a hurricane devastated the city I lived in, forcing me to relocate due to a lack of housing, potable water, and work. Even though I’ve let go countless times, I still grieved as my familiar reality dissolved overnight. It’s a story I know all too well.

One thing I’ve discovered on the path of letting go is that when we aren’t mentally attached to any form, plan, or outcome, there’s nothing to let go of in the first place. Nothing in this world truly belongs to us. You can have everything you desire, as long as you recognize, deep within, that none of it is yours. One of my favorite sayings beautifully encapsulates this truth: “Nothing is yours; everything is you.” Letting go in the material sense isn’t enough if it isn’t rooted in genuine detachment.

I think of this as dispassionate detachment. By consciously focusing on the transitory nature of experiences, we naturally cultivate appreciation, which often blossoms into gratitude—and sometimes even great awe. What a grand show to be alive! Being mindfully (or mindlessly) detached brings great joy, a true lightness of being that creates expansion of heart and mind, and allows us to enjoy the ride, regardless of outcomes.

Light as a feather, floating through worlds, attached to nothing, I witness all that I am.

Love, Aleeiah


In Existential/ Owl Messages

The Architect and The Weaver

the weaver

“I am the weaver
I am the woven one
I am the dreamer
I am the dream..”

Lorna Kohler

Timelines are always shifting as new realities, aka programs, constantly emerge. Without our existence and participation, these realities would not exist. They are created for us, and by us. Realities are created by belief and participation in a belief. Mass realities are created by masses participating in a belief, repeatedly. The architect needs builders and the material of belief in order to create a reality. We create programs the architect designs. Both need each other, until the builder realizes its own power to create worlds. The builder has the same power as the architect, but she does not remember. This too, is a program designed for evolution.

Everything and everyone is playing its part in this intricate web. So we keep participating in myriad worlds and realities by what we strongly believe. When masses awaken and start to question the reality they are participating in, they revolt against ‘the architect’, and a new sub program is created. There are endless programs in existence. It is the cosmic play – Lila of God. What keeps the game so interesting, is that the players have forgotten they are part of the Creator, aka Architect. The battle of dark and light, ruler and the ruled, only exists for our evolution.

When the builder awakens to a yet higher level, she realizes that she is playing her own game. At this level, all need to fight the program falls away and suffering ceases. She realizes herself as the architect and the dance of duality loses its grip on her. Finally, she comes to know that she is the dreamer and the dream.

Owl Message Aleeiah / Oct 2021


In Poetry

A Knowingness

In between pain and pleasure,

Sound and silence,

Movement and stillness,

Rests a Knowingness,

Aware of itself,

Unchanging and formless, ever present.

Seeking no gain nor recognition,

Content abiding in emptiness.

~ Aleeiah
Image by Tom Gainor
In Existential/ Health

Letting Go of Achievement

The mind has an insatiable need to feel special and validate its existence through the external world. It will find endless ways to trick us into believing that we have to achieve things, in order for our lives to have value and meaning. This is part of the ego’s construct that keeps us running in circles until exhaustion. No achievement can ever be enough for the ego, because it lives in an imaginary realm, based in lack and separation.

Have you noticed that nearly everything around us is designed for the ego’s glorification? Societies are built for egos, not for souls. External achievements – money, objects, jobs, diplomas, etc. – are awarded but no value is assigned to spiritual growth. If you become successful and achieve external merits, your ego will grow larger while your true self sleeps. The thicker the veil of forgetfulness, the deeper asleep we fall. When we constantly chase the carrot of achievement, we don’t have the time to question the world around us, or inside us. Consequently, this also makes for obedient citizens.

“I was no longer needing to be special, because I was no longer so caught in my puny separateness that had to keep proving I was something. I was part of the universe, like a tree is, or like grass is, or like water is.” – Ram Dass

Continue Reading →

In Health

Lessons from the Finnish Forest

Finnish forest

As a child I would take long walks in the woods of eastern Finland with my grandmother who was a master forager. She taught me to never take anything without giving back, no matter how small the offering. She said the forest had eyes and ears, and that every act was watched over by the faeries and forest guardians. This made total sense to me back then, as I grew up with many tales and myths of Scandinavian folklore, including faeries and elves. One time we were looking for mushrooms and came upon a rather large harvest. I was ready to start picking, but my grandmother told me to wait. She knelt down and pointed out that right next to the edible mushrooms was a nearly identical, poisonous variety. She said nature makes everything in pairs. Therefore, edible mushrooms have their twin counterpart that are highly poisonous and some, deadly. After demonstrating how to identify the poisonous mushrooms, we picked a small patch of good mushrooms, leaving plenty for the elves and faeries too.

My grandmother was a highly intuitive being; a mystic poet and an artist, who lived as a hermit in a small cabin that she build far away from society. She knew we were caught in a web of dreamlike existence, and understood that we were merely visitors here. In the Finnish culture, when you enter someone’s house as a visitor, you always bring a gift with you (usually pastries or coffee), and leave your shoes by the front door. In other words, while visiting the earth we should be on our best behavior, give back, and know that every act is accounted for.

Everything has its opposite in this earthly realm that is bound by laws of duality. The poison is right next to the cure. The sun arises from the darkness. We only know hot because of cold.. To experience pleasure one must also experience pain. Every phenomena on earth has its dual nature, as do we. You could say that the earth is a school for learning how to find balance in duality.

Kiitos Mummi. 🙏

In Existential

How to Find Your Purpose

Life Purpose

I have been an existential detective all my life. When other kids were playing with their dolls, I was out there roaming every corner of the playground alone, in search of meaning for this madness. Then I’d retreat in my room and write about it in this little blue plastic covered diary I had. I would frequently ask adults baffling questions they had no answers for, such as: Where did I come from before I was born? Frustrated of not receiving clear answers I would run to the forest and spend hours wandering the woods alone. In silence I felt more connected to truth. Maybe the trees, wind, or animals in the forest would know more, I thought. Then I began living in old libraries in Europe and going through books which only caused more confusion. Books didn’t know. They were only asking more questions. The biggest frustration in my life was not remembering my purpose. Therefore, I became an existential detective.

I spent a few decades in the rat race going through various jobs and careers, chasing things that come and go, like most people. But underneath the question still remained: why am I here? Only in the moments of total breakdown and near death have I gained some momentary clarity. When I nearly lost my life, first at thirteen years old when I overdosed on drugs, and then again in my thirties contracting a deadly tropical disease in Mexico, the mystery of purpose came through in a flash. And guess what that purpose was? It was a feeling of indescribable LOVE. When everything else is gone, all that remains is this radiance of love. Divine love is the all pervading truth of our being and where we come from. It cannot be simulated by anything. It is a direct experience. And this is the paradoxical answer I had been searching for all my life.

Have you ever walked a labyrinth? You know when you walk through the whole thing and think you’ve found the way out, but you’ve only arrived back at the beginning? This is somewhat of a metaphor for how your purpose will find you. It’s not logical and cannot be solved by intellect – it only arises from heart-knowing, and getting lost repeatedly. The labyrinth tricks you in thinking there’s a logical solution. But the only true solution is to return to the true Self. Rupert Spira had a beautiful way of wording this when he said: “When everything that can be let go of is let go of, what remains is what we desire above all else”. Your ultimate purpose arrives when you’ve given up everything else. It comes from a place of surrender. Giving up control and how you think your life should unfold leads the way. The seeming failures and misfortunes in life are actually designed to awaken us, and deepen our surrender, so purpose can eventually shine through.

When I write or deliver readings, I feel more connected to source, and with universal intelligence, and this feeds my purpose which is to be a kind of a spiritual guidance counselor. Another pointer to help you determine if you’re expressing your purpose is this: if what you do makes your soul feel alive, nourished and energized, you are in tune with your purpose. If what you do makes you feel drained and meaningless, you are out of tune. Purpose is like a battery that charges you every time you use it. It makes you feel complete and empowered.

Something else I’ve learned about purpose is that you are always headed towards it. You may be taking a detour, training while getting ready to express more of your purpose, but you are always on course. In other words, your purpose will fulfill itself whether you know what it is or not. Spirit doesn’t need to know its purpose. The spirit is the purpose. The mind wants to know because it cannot remember.

p.s Find out what the Owl has to say about purpose HERE.

Article image by: Maksym Kaharlytskyi

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In Existential/ Shamanism

Shamanism + Quantum Physics

shamanism and quantum physics connection

Many seemingly paranormal experiences in the non-linear world of Shamanism seem to closely correlate with Quantum physics discoveries. Shamans have been told to appear in multiple locations at the same time by using their luminous “double” bodies, materialize objects out of thin air, shape-shift or become invisible, commune with animal and plant kingdom, perform remote healing, along with countless other mind-bending skills.

According to Quantum physics, past and future are not separate, location doesn’t exist, the world only comes into existence once observed, and this thing we call reality is one of many, possibly infinite, parallel dimensions.

Stories of Shamans journeying between dimensions have been recorded for centuries. When a Shaman enters a non-ordinary state of consciousness to retrieve information from the spirit worlds, could it be that he or she is able to glimpse into the many parallel dimensions of existence, theorized by Quantum physicists?

In the teachings of Shaman Don Juan Matus and the Toltecs, people only perceive a limited view of the multi-dimensional reality we live in, according to their readiness, and level of consciousness. In other words, people only see what they are capable of seeing. The definition of a Shaman is someone who has acquired an expanded vista and is able to see beyond the veils of time and space, for the purpose of bringing forth healing and greater balance for the planet. A Shaman’s work is to interpret and utilize the energy of the multi-dimensional Universe, in order to restore wholeness where needed.

Mind The Matter Please

“The world appears to you so overwhelmingly real because you think of it all the time; cease thinking of it and it will dissolve into thin mist.”

– Nisargadatta Maharaj

One of the most groundbreaking findings in Quantum mechanics is that if you split matter into smallest possible pieces (called atoms), particles stop behaving like solid matter. These subatomic particles can then appear either as waves, particles, or a mysterious cloud of “potentiality”, while magically unbound by any particular location. All subatomic particles possess this type of shape-shifting ability.

To make things even more puzzling, when an electron (subatomic particle with a negative electric charge) isn’t being observed, it appears as a wave. The only time it takes a physical form of a particle, is when it is being observed. This theory has been further expanded into views of “quantum probability”, that still eludes many modern day scientists.

If matter is not solid, nor bound by time or location, as Quantum research suggest, the adept skills Shamans use no longer seem impossible.

An important pioneer and one of the founding fathers of Quantum physics, Danish physicist Niels Bohr, who received a Nobel Prize in 1922, stated that if subatomic particles only exist when observed, they cannot be classified as independent objects, nor separate from the observer.

Dreaming The World Into Being..

Alberto Villoldo writes in his book Courageous Dreaming: How Shamans Dream the World Into Being”:

“Physicists understand that in the quantum world of the universe’s smallest elemental parts, nothing is “real” until it is observed. But quantum events do not occur in the laboratory only. They also happen inside our brain, on this page, and everywhere around us. When you observe any part of this dream, the great matrix of energy, you can change reality and alter the entire dream.”

Quantum physics research suggests that consciousness is affecting matter, as we observe it. This concept closely correlates with ancient shamanic teachings, and particularly, the use of ritual practice in shamanism. When a shaman performs a ritual, it is for the purpose of interacting with the elements of creation; communing with helpful spirits, bringing forth transformation, and eliciting positive outcomes for the future.

Both Shamans and Quantum physicists know that everything we do, say, or think, is altering the fabric of reality. When we truly understand the implications of “dreaming the world into being”, we have the potential to become responsible conscious creators, or dreamers.

In the Shamanic cosmology, shared by many indigenous cultures around the planet, we are all co-creators of a collective dream-experience we call “reality”. Shaman elders teach that if we dream our world into being with loving kindness, for the benefit of all, we are creating heaven on earth, but when we dream from a place of fear, jealousy, or envy, we increase suffering in the world. This view is also shared by a sect of Tibetan Buddhism that teaches conscious dreaming as a tool for awakening, also known as Tibetan dream yoga.

Return to Wholeness

“Ultimate Unity throughout the cosmos envelops and surrounds all dimensions, measurements, laws, and tendencies. It fulfills and completes all potentials that unfold in joy throughout the Universe.”

– Quran, verse 112.

Einstein’s theory of relativity proposed that time and space are not separate, but part of a unified whole he referred to as time-space continuum. David Bohm, one of the most important figures in Quantum research, further expanded Einstein’s vision by saying that everything in the Universe is part of a continuum – everything is One.

In the world view of Quantum physics, all matter is interconnected in an unseen web of mysterious, collective intelligence. When looking even further down the rabbit hole, there appears to be a deeper order behind our level of existence that gives birth to the whole Quantum soup we experience as reality. Physicist David Bohm referred to this level as “the implicate order”.

Similarly, Shamans of the Andes and Amazon believe that we are all connected in an infinite fabric of creation. If we believe that we are separate from everything and everyone else, we only create conflict and suffering. It is only when we become aware of the underlying interconnectedness that we can begin to truly access our dreaming power, and participate in raising the consciousness of the collective dream.

This article was written for Shamans Market, September 2018.

Image by: Kiwihug


David Bohm: Wholeness and the Implicate Order

Alberto Villoldo: Courageous Dreaming: How Shamans Dream the World Into Being

In Existential/ Poetry

May You Recognize…

May you recognize in your life the presence,
power, and light of your soul.

May you realize that you are never alone,
that your soul in its brightness and belonging
connects you intimately with the rhythm of
the universe.

May you have respect for your individuality
and difference.

May you realize that the shape of your soul is unique,
that you have a special destiny here,
that behind the façade of your life,
there is something beautiful and eternal happening.

– John O’Donohue

In Health/ Owl Messages

Holographic DNA upgrade

Imagine that your DNA exists inside your mind’s eye. You can enter inside a room or a brilliant temple of light, if you wish, that contains the hologram of your DNA. You can picture it as a spiral of light, or a beautiful vortex, or even a spiraling staircase. Once you connect to the channel of your DNA, and can feel it pulsing inside you, then you are ready to work. Summon your higher self/Oversoul/God self, and ask for the dormant DNA to be gently reawakened and activated again. There may be layers of protection or gatekeepers that were put in place, but ask for these to be bypassed or removed, by the power of your soul and GOD/SPIRIT THAT I AM. See and feel your dormant DNA strands coming alive again, spinning and spiraling in joy, surrounded by light, straight from the source of all that is. You can then request a protective energy or a guardian being to be placed around your holographic DNA, that prevents any further tampering that does not serve your evolution. Do this as often as you like, to reinforce the activation. The more you do it, the stronger the effect.

Know that inside your DNA are many hidden doors that lead to abilities and channels that were once active, eons ago. These doorways were manipulated and deactivated by someone else. They were shut down to the extend that we forgot about them. HU-mans were meant to be much more than we are now. The divine original blueprint that human race was seeded with, was that of avatar-like beings who were free. The current condition of humanity is a curtailed version; many living unaware of their own potential, asleep, and in a controlled world that is nothing but free. We exist in a time when it has become crucial to our survival to reactivate our ancient, dormant DNA. Your DNA is a vessel and a vehicle of unimaginable riches.

There is a mass global movement happening at this time, sweeping over the planet, attempting to shut down further strands of the new human DNA that have been emerging and re-awakening for quite some time now. Therefore, it is important for us to enter inside our own holographic DNA and reactive it.

Many humans on the planet have chosen to not live up to their fullest potential at this time, and are willingly allowing the manipulation of their DNA. Those few that choose otherwise will be living on the perimeters of society. Their ability to travel and participate in many social activities will be highly limited via traditional means. But new modes of travel will soon emerge and some movement will be restored. There is hope and a new world that is emerging. But we have to co-create it, from within.

Rise up, on the ladder of your own DNA!

This is an intuitive message through Aleeiah, in April, 2021.

Main photo by Robert Bye, unsplash / Ouroboros art by salshep on DeviantArt

In art/ Sprituality

Yantras = Ancient Instruments for Evolution

Yantras are geometric forms of deities, planets, and principles of spiritual evolution, deriving from the ancient Tantric traditions of India. The earliest Yantras discovered date back at least 11,000 years.

Western dictionary definition for a Yantra is “an auspicious diagram used in meditation to help focus the mind“. The word Yantra roughly translated means ‘a vehicle‘ or ‘an instrument‘.

Yantras were originally created as vehicles for spiritual evolution, and liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth.

While mantras are verbal remedies used for healing and transformation, Yantras can be seen as their visual counterparts. For example, chanting a Lakshmi mantra may be used to attract prosperity into one’s life. A Lakshmi (Sri) Yantra may do the same thing. Yantras only use beneficial symbols that bring healing and help raise spiritual awareness. The shapes within Yantras are symbols that correspond to states of evolved human consciousness.

Tuning in with a Yantra opens the doorway to working with the deity and spiritual principle the Yantra represents. The Yantra then becomes an energetic portal that connects you with the creative forces of the Universe.

How to use Yantras

Sri Yantra painting by by Aleeiah available on Etsy.

Yantras are most powerful when meditated upon consistently for at least 7 days. This imprints the energy pattern of the Yantra into the conscious and subconscious mind. Start by focusing on the central point within the Yantra and allow your eyes to naturally adjust to the shape without removing your gaze from the Yantra. It is recommended to do this meditation for 15-30 minutes daily. You may also wish to chant a mantra corresponding to the Yantra you are working with.

Focusing on a Yantra helps calm the mind which makes it easier to focus your energy toward manifesting your desired outcome, be it healing, prosperity, a new relationship, or deepening your spiritual practice. In advanced stages of meditation with a Yantra it is possible to feel a merging in with the shape, or “becoming the Yantra itself”. The physical image of the Yantra is then no longer necessary, as one can evoke the energy of the Yantra and its powers within.

Yantras may also be used to balance the energy of a space, and to bring forth a host of beneficial effects. Vedic astrologers will often prescribe planetary Yantras as remedies for healing difficult planetary aspects in one’s birth chart, and inviting in more balanced and positive energy.

In the Hindu culture, Yantras are worshiped in puja ceremonies, with elaborate offerings of food, incense, mantra, and ritual protocol.

How to choose a Yantra

While Vedic Astrologers will often prescribe Yantras as remedies for appeasing challenging planetary aspects in one’s natal chart, the simplest way for westerners is to choose a Yantra based on intuition. If you feel drawn to a certain Yantra, then work with it. Most likely it is something you need. Secondly, you can choose a Yantra based on what you’re looking to create or bring into your life.

In Existential/ Owl Messages

The Great Galactic Turning Point

We are in the midst of a massive evolutionary wave on the planet. There is a planetary alignment taking place in the heavens this year that has not happened in hundreds of years. This event is part of earth’s cyclical ascension program. Because you are here now, you knew this was coming and accepted the challenge to evolve faster than ever before.

If you have been living in a way that is not in alignment with the truth of who you are on a soul level, that is now being corrected. You are being re-tuned. The ego will kick and scream because it’s not a comfortable process. All that is redundant will peel away, and for some this happens almost overnight. We are forced to learn how to find new healthier resources, and live in respect of earth and its blessings. We are learning to restore right relationship with our inner and outer planes on earth. You can best assist this peeling process by going into surrender and witness mode more often. Let whatever goes, go.

What is happening on the planet now is an accelerated physical-mental-emotional-energetic purification. This is a natural process of ascension, i.e going up in vibration. It is both fun and terrifying at times. But look beyond the turmoil and panic, and realize it is a temporary shedding process of dense energy. The current events that have been unfolding, including this plandemic and controlled economic collapse, are ancient smoke and mirror of politics. It is curiously timed with this galactic awakening call. If you are already aware you will understand that now is the time to make the best of this party. It is time to become who you really are.

When enough hearts awaken on the planet, a holographic grid is created that helps awaken the rest of humanity. This is why it is of utmost importance to meditate and do practices that help us be heart centered now. Sending your gratitude to the core of earth raises the vibration of the planet. Honor the earth for carrying you, for she is a living, breathing, energetic being. The rays of the sun are extra potent at this time in raising our vibration. Make sure you get at least 30 minutes of sun daily, more is better. This is designed to help your cells adapt to the new level of energy beaming at us. Connect with the earth with your bare skin while you are out and breathe deeply with gratitude. Nothing else is needed. Your body knows what to do. You can assist the process at this time by eating less and drinking more liquids. Eat foods that are not dense or hard to digest, avoid eating meat at this time.

These are high evolutionary times! Your light is needed now more than ever before in our lifetime. No more excuses for hiding or sharing your truth. If you are reading this article take it as a sign: you are being activated to your greater mission. Share your gifts. Your voice matters. Help raise the collective vibration on earth.

Wishing you abundant health and great awakenings!

March 22nd, 2020 Intuitive Owl message through Aleeiah

In Existential/ Relationships

The Heart Contains All

Amidst recent heartbreak and despair, I prayed for some light to come through.. a higher vision, an understanding for why I was still undergoing so much suffering. Several months had passed since a tragic breakup but I felt unable to let go of the lingering pain of loss. It seemed like many lifetimes of suffering had coalesced into one, dismantling my life without a warning.

The answer came through a vivid dream. I was taken inside the heart and saw that nobody had ever left. All was happening simultaneously, beyond time.. like actors gliding through empty air, and the emptiness contained all. The suffering is a tool, although ultimately an illusion, created to help us remember that this play isn’t real. Inside the heart, all was one, and we were each other, throughout many lifetimes, never apart. There was nobody to abandon. No heartbreak and no pain. Only tremendous compassion and understanding that transcended all forms of suffering. The heart was all-knowing. There was nothing to attain, nothing to grasp. We were not two people hurting each other, but one omniscient being experiencing itself through many forms and costumes, like actors in a play.

As soon as I was outside the heart again, things would appear separate, and thoughts of suffering would emerge. The dimension of duality we live in most of the time, is a game of pain and pleasure, endlessly alternating.. but this is not the ultimate reality. There is a higher dimension, and this is where the heart lives, beyond all pain and pleasure. The experiences we take to be love on this holodeck, are nothing but tiny glimpses into the realm that is actually, love.

Did you know that you can go inside your heart, and it is also the heart of all — one cosmic heart?

Within this unconditional, non dual realm of love, there is no pain, no separation, no coming or going, and no identity. Thus, the heart cannot break. It is empty but contains ALL.

artist: unknown

In Owl Messages

On What Remains..

“You possess only whatever will not be lost in a shipwreck.” Al-Ghazali.

Year after year we fulfill one desire after another, until we come to know: there is no satisfaction in fulfilling endless desires. Nothing in this fleeting world is ever enough. Desires fade. How to achieve happiness if not by fulfilling desires?

You have been walking around the labyrinth of God so many times you have forgotten your true name and where you came from. Now it’s a puzzle to find your way back. But there is no end to the labyrinth, it leads back to beginning.

This much I know: anything that comes or goes is not who you are. Desires are hollow like seashells. People appear, stay for a while, then move on. Relationships are not you either. We cannot build a foundation on anything that comes or goes. The only true investment is finding your true nature. Who is writing this? Who is reading? The identities, stories, jobs, possessions, achievements, information you accrue, who you were yesterday.. all these things will not remain.

But time is running out.. I must have this or that before I leave this plane of existence. Time is another game on earth that has no true identity. Beyond this fleeting form is formlessness, timelessness – a sea of nothingness from where everything arises and falls.

You have come here for a reason and that reason is, to find out what remains.